
well we'll never know

maybe i have have said too much 'i love you's and maybe not enough


ask the stars to remember
im a good girl with bad secrets, just like every other girl in town.


nina by nina

nina me pede um cigarro
eu acho q eu deveria atirar nela primeiro
nina chora as vezes antes de dormir e guarda aquele ultimo suspiro pra ela
nina tem a capacidade de amar e odiar ao mesmo tempo
mas nina nao consegue se amar
por favor quebrem todos os espelhos da casa e fechem todas as janelas
nina mergulhou uma vez ate o fundo do oceano e de la nunca mais saiu
we name planets because thats all we can give them


do a little dance and let it go


you wake up and it hurts. somehow all the things you love have managed to infiltrate themselves under the sheets and in the back of my head. im not used to feeling things there, just hear them drowning hopeless at the well of the heart.